Telkom SA SOC Limited

Code of Conduct


Supplier Selection

Selection of suppliers follows an open tender or bid process, allowing all potential suppliers to compete according to a model that is fair, equitable and consistent.

Conflict of Interest

Telkom employees may not have an interest with any supplier. This includes the supply of non-public information, assistance with planning and designing of products or active involvement in marketing and selling.

Gifts and Invitations

Seasonal, congratulatory or promotional gifts may only be offered to Telkom employees on strictly appropriate occasions, and when there is no reason to doubt the bona fides of the donor or recipient. Invitations to meals, sporting events, the theatre, cocktail parties and other forms of hospitality may not be offered with a view to influencing business decisions.

As a matter of policy, Procurement Services employees are not permitted to accept any such invitations or gifts in order to maintain a professionally aloof relationship.


An offer of commission, or any form of gratuity, for any reason whatsoever, is totally unacceptable and will lead to serious disciplinary action.

Bribes and Irregular Offers

Telkom's policy on bribery and irregular offers which serves as a precondition to accepting a contract, is summarised as follows:

Should a tenderer, bidder or contractor have, in the opinion of Telkom, acted fraudulently, illegally, in bad faith or in any improper manner, with regard to a contract or tender, then Telkom may, in its sole discretion:

  • Ignore any tenders without advising the tenderer thereof
  • Cancel the contract without prejudice to any legal rights Telkom may have

Telkom is committed to the highest standards of integrity and any employee transgressing the principles embodied in the Employee Code of Conduct will be treated in accordance with the company's Disciplinary Code. Should any supplier disregard these guidelines or conduct affairs in a way that transgresses Telkom's Code of Business Conduct, this could seriously impair future business relations between Telkom and such suppliers.