Telkom SA SOC Limited

Procurement Policy


Extract from the Procurement Policy

It is Telkom’s policy to source and procure (buy) technically suitable quality products/systems and services at the best overall value and to award business on the basis of merit based on those criteria and conditions as set forth by Telkom. It is also Telkom’s policy to make procurement readily available to all suppliers

The following guidelines also apply:

  • Procurement policy and process guidelines are set and authorised by the Executive Committee (EXCO).
  • No verbal or written commitments (i.e. letters of intent, memorandums of understanding, interim supply agreements, formal supply agreement/contracts) may be made to any supplier unless via Procurement Services.
  • No expectation should be created towards the supplier for any sort of business with Telkom.
  • All RFX's, including quotes (RFQ's), tenders, RFP's and RFB's must be issued through Procurement Services;
  • Only items/products/services/systems that have been accepted and approved following RFX process shall be procured
  • All negotiations that have a direct and/or indirect impact on commercial matters to include Procurement Services.
  • Field trials/Proof-of-Concepts to involve Procurement Services.
  • Procurement Services is responsible for the Cross Functional Sourcing/Purchasing Team (CFST/CFPT) and Group Procurement Council (GPC) process, which includes the support on the adjudication of tenders.
  • Financial analysis of bids and quotes to include Procurement Services.
  • All purchase orders will be processed and amended (date, price, quantity) as the need may arise by Procurement Services (Purchasing)
  • Interfacing with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) will be conducted via Regulatory Affairs and Procurement Services.
  • Forecasting information required by supplier(s) will be provided solely by Procurement Services.
  • Supplier interface on supplier performance issues will be conducted by Procurement Services.
  • All foreign exchange forward cover on contracts/orders must be arranged and co-ordinated through Procurement Services.