Telkom SA SOC Limited

Supplier Portal



The sourcing of products and services will be enhanced through the introduction of electronic tenders (e-RFx). As a transition to e-RFx's, the current Manual RFx method may still be utilised in certain instances, in which case prospective suppliers will continue to scan the Tender Bulletin for tenders, obtaining a copy from our Tender Office and responding by the closing date and time as advertised. (Tender Office details are found on this page)

Electronic Tenders (e-RFx's)

A key benefit of SRM is in the manner in which we will collaborate with the vendor community, and in particular, through on-line supplier registration which will be followed by on-line issuing and submission of the tender documents . This will form an integral part of enabling participation in electronic RFx's going forward. To achieve this, a link to the Registration of Supplier page (referred to as ROS) will be made available shortly. As an interim measure, in the event that an e-RFx is published prior to this, you will be requested to complete a Supplier Registration form with the necessary posting instructions.

Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)

The main impact on potential suppliers to Telkom responding to RFx's, either manually or electronically is an automated tender evaluation and supplier selection process. This will include interaction with bidders in real-time using instant messaging and a comprehensive bidding console that automatically provides critical feedback to the bidders. Details will be provided in respect of each new tender once ROS is completed.

Furthermore, through the introduction of approved templates, the creation, management, and compliance of contracts with our suppliers will be streamlined and dramatically shorten reviews and approvals, and integrate with back-end systems for compliance management.

Supplier Self Services (SUS) Portal

Through the use of the Supplier Self Services (SUS) portal, Telkom will expand the utilization of on-line document transfers to enhance collaboration with our suppliers, i.e. Purchase orders, Order Acknowledgements, Invoices will be transmitted electronically between the parties.